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EPE Reports

EPE Reports

Business Opportunity

PriceCare EPE team working on regulatory deliverables for 2023 DEC release. Part of this we need to test 19K billing codes for different populations for different coverages and share test results summary to Sr leadership. Team don't have the bandwidth to roll up 30+ CSV file results to summarize so we are looking for a quick turn around using any AI solutions out there.

Link to Canvas Dashboard :EPE Reports

Solution / Approach

Create a pipeline flow with the ETL job. For the extraction the testing results are received the csv format and are loaded to the databricks cluster and then processed. A dashboard can be created which will load the data on daily, weekly basis as per the requirement and this will reduce the report creation time and resources.



Key Metrics

  • Retrieval time: This measures the time it takes to process the data and dashboard be loaded in the power bi.
  • Cost savings: This measures the cost savings achieved by automating the port generation process, helping organizations to optimize their resources.
  • Scalability:This measures the ability of the solution to scale up or down based on demand, ensuring that it can meet the needs of small, medium, or large organizations.

Tech Stack

  • Python
  • Azure SQL
  • Azure Storage Account
  • PowerBI
  • Azure Databricks
  • Azure logic app

Resources Links


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